As an NYU SPS DAUS online student, you will enjoy many of the same benefits that our in-person students experience. This allows you to join in the rich student life experience for which the School is known, while making new friends and the critical connections that can provide invaluable professional opportunities. You’ll also have access to a full portfolio of student services that provide a wealth of support as you progress through your program of study. In addition, you’ll gain the competitive advantage professionally, by utilizing the vast array of services offered through the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS.

NYU SPS Online Student Experience
Student Life
Student life is a signature part of the NYU SPS experience. Online students can participate in a wide variety of programming through social and professional networking events, in addition to becoming involved as active members of the community.
- Attend online social and professional networking events
- Get involved in student organizations
- Take part in student government
- Participate in workshops to improve time management and presentation skills
- Gain access to exclusive engagement opportunities for online students
- Participate in University online events
- Get involved in student organizations
Student Services
As an online student, you will have access to a plethora of university- and school-based resources that can provide the support you need academically and personally
- One-on-one academic advising
- Free tutoring in a number of subjects, including math, writing, economics, and statistics
- The ability to use the resources of, and arrange for academic accomodations through, the Moses Center for Student Accessibility
- Access to 24/7 professional counseling services provided by NYU Wellness Exchange
- Access to the NYU Elmer Holmes Bobst Library and support from reference librarians
- Free support for international and multinational students through the International Student Support Center, where students can benefit from one-on-one tutoring sessions that help them to improve their language and writing skills
SPS Wasserman Center for Career Development
To ensure you are prepared for lifelong professional success, the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS partners with you on activating a career wellness mindset to successfully manage the changing world of work. Our dedicated career resources are available to all online students. Through virtual appointments with professional career coaches, you will have the opportunity to assess your skills and interests, explore career options and industries, and develop a career action plan that will help you get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters. Morning and evening appointments are offered, giving you flexibility between work and school schedules.
Take advantage of the online resources the Wasserman Center offers, which include:
- Handshake, NYU’s career portal that connects you to thousands of jobs and internships available across the US and the world
- Virtual recruiting and networking events, career fairs, and industry panels
- NYU Career Readiness Course and numerous career modules, available on-demand to help you build the skills to achieve your career and job search goals
- NYU Violet Network: NYU’s alumni mentor hub with a virtual mentor program available to students around the globe