In Principles of Information Architecture, a core course taught by Steven Goss, Ed.D., MS in Professional Writing (MSPW) students learn about information architecture and user experience/UX Writing through the study and practice of techniques used to develop websites and apps. For their final projects this past spring, students were asked to develop a website prototype based on a mock request for proposal (RFP). In response to the mock RFP, students sought ways to match content presentation methods with the specific needs of their target audiences, which varied across projects. After submitting their prototypes, the class took on the role of RFP reviewers and selected the strongest prototypes. The following student website prototypes were ranked the highest in the Spring 2021 course (in no order):
June 21, 2021
2021 Website Prototype Projects by MS in Professional Writing Students

Black Atlas Magazine by Jasmine Thomas
Black Atlas Magazine is a collaborative content website designed to give black women an outlet to express concerns, celebrate creativity, and expand business opportinities. This magazine website will contain articles on topics that are written for black women and written by black women. Black Atlas Magazine will also focus on health, values, beauty, resiliency, and the accomplishments of black women that are leading our world into a better tomorrow.

The Press Kit Collective by Gabriella Evans
The Press Kit Collective is designed to help writers develop a marketing strategy for digital projects. Bridging the gap between the popularity of virtual work and the ability to reach a digital audience with ever-evolving algorithms, The Press Kit Collaborative offers a project assessment toolkit that outlines strategies for promoting digital projects. With blog content divided into experience-based categories, writers can browse targeted resources after self-identifying their familiarity with marketing at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level.

re[poe] by Robert Kempton
[re]poe is an attempt to bring poetry into the digital sphere. Borrowing from the concept of remixing in music, [re]poe will allow users to source from original works of poetry using the site's mixer. Selecting from up to five different sources, the mixer can then "master" all these original works together to create a new "remixed" work that they can then share either on [re]poe's official blog or on their own social media spaces. [re]poe is meant to establish a new genre of poetry, whereby artists and algorithms can deconstruct theme, purpose, and motif through reconstructing relationships between poets and their work.
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